
In class wed Feb 18th

Due Today!
- Write up about your John Waters inspired Director

- Your video clips of camera angles, movement and POV in Premiere

Finish watching Dead Man - Discuss

Assignment #1 due Mon 23rd

- Show me your 8GB thumb drive
- Create a Youtube account if you do not already have one and email me the link to your channel.

Project 2 

Appropriation & the Loop

For the first part of this project you will appropriate video from Archive.org. You will then cut and edit the appropriated video to create a 30 second story. The video can be no longer or shorter then 30 seconds exactly. You may use the audio as it is edited or you may replace it with audio you find on CCMixter.org. Be careful NOT to choose a sound track that is more powerful then your visuals. A silent film will work also.

For the second part of this project you need to create a video loop. (Use the same video clips you downloaded for part 1). Be innovative, be thoughtful and be precise. Loop creation is all about syncing up the beginning with the end. Have you ever seen a mobius strip? The loop takes the inevitable beginning and end out of video as a medium and creates infinity a repeated moment stuck in time.
You will be working with Adobe Premiere to create this project. When you are finished with your Videos export them as .movs. Save your videos using this naming convention: yourname_01, yourname_02 (ie... jvonstengel_01.mpeg or jvonstengel_01.mov)

whats due:
* 2 Final videos as high rez as possible. I will collect all your files in class on a portable hard drive.
* Upload your videos to your Youtube account.

Due: Feb 25th at the end of class



  1. 1.
    the action of taking something for one's own use, typically without the owner's permission.
    "the appropriation of parish funds"
  2. 2.
    a sum of money or total of assets devoted to a special purpose.

in Art
Appropriation in art is the use of pre-existing objects or images with little or no transformation applied to them.[1] The use of appropriation has played a significant role in the history of the arts (literaryvisual,musical and performing arts). In the visual arts, to appropriate means to properly adopt, borrow, recycle or sample aspects (or the entire form) of human-made visual culture. Notable in this respect are theReadymades of Marcel Duchamp.

Inherent in our understanding of appropriation is the concept that the new work recontextualizes whatever it borrows to create the new work. In most cases the original 'thing' remains accessible as the original, without change.

Archive.org & CCmixter.org
- What are these sites how do they work?
- What is Creative Commons licensing
- Whats on these sites?
- How to appropriate?

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