
In class Wed Feb 11th

How to use Google Docs
- Making a new file
- Naming a document
- Sharing a document
- Printing a document
* More then just Microsoft Word

Research one of the Indy Film Makers on John Waters List:

- Watch one whole movie or part of 5 different movies
- Write about what you saw: 

1) What was interesting/different about this film compared to a “normal” Hollywood movie?

2) about narrative
- how does the story progress through time?
- how are the main characters revealed? When in the storyline?
- what genre is the film? does it stay true to its genre or does it break conventions?
- is the film about the medium itself? does it incorporate the context of the medium into the films storyline?
- have you seen this storyline before? where?

3) about use of camera angles and perspective
- how does the director use camera angles to control point of view?
- how does the perspective add to the context of the scene?
- does the director use a predominate angle through out the film or a variety?
- how does the angle effect the mood of the scene?

4) about content
- what are the main colors in the film?
- how does the use of color effect the mood?
- how realistic or surreal is the environment? how does this play a role in the narrative?
- how does the film use or break stereotypes?
- is the film beautiful or sublime?
- what era of technology is the film? does this change during the film?

Shots “Framing” and the meaning behind angles, POV & camera movement.

Camera angles

Ask yourself these questions:
* What is the relationship of the viewer to the characters in the film?
* What direction are the characters moving from shot to shot, scene to scene?

Watch Man with a Movie Camera
Look for the different Camera angels and POV utilized through the film. Write them down as you see them.

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