
In class Wed Oct 25th

- passive film makers
- semi-hollywood style
- handheld camera & tripod
- some expressive music 
- history-charts and graphs-illustrations-newspaper & internet articles-interviews-live capture of clowns around Oneonta

Pine Lake
- invisible film makers
- straight-up/direct style
- tripod
- no expressive music
- pine lake history-charts and illustrations-newspaper & internet articles-sarah richards video locations-interviews

- active film makers
hollywood style
- handheld
- all expressive music
- history-charts and graphs-illustrations-newspaper & internet articles-local images-interviews-live capture of ghost

If we are going to break these episodes down into segments, how should we do it? How long should each segment be? How many segments should we have? Does it have to be in segments.

Each team needs to create a scene list
- Make a list of all the locations your team needs to shoot at?
- Make a calendar of when you plan to film each scene. (have backup dates)

Load the atmospheric content you filmed into Adobe Premiere 

Organize your teams interview questions. Create scripts for different scenes.

Legal Stuff

The Ten Legal Commandments of Photography

I. Anyone in a public place can take pictures of anything they want. Public places include parks, sidewalks, malls, etc. Malls? Yeah. Even though it’s technically private property, being open to the public makes it public space.
II. If you are on public property, you can take pictures of private property. If a building, for example, is visible from the sidewalk, it’s fair game.
III. If you are on private property and are asked not to take pictures, you are obligated to honor that request. This includes posted signs.
IV. Sensitive government buildings (military bases, nuclear facilities) can prohibit photography if it is deemed a threat to national security. 
V. People can be photographed if they are in public (without their consent) unless they have secluded themselves and can expect a reasonable degree of privacy. Kids swimming in a fountain? Okay. Somebody entering their PIN at the ATM? Not okay. 
VI. The following can almost always be photographed from public places, despite popular opinion:
  • accident & fire scenes, criminal activities
  • bridges & other infrastructure, transportation facilities (i.e. airports)
  • industrial facilities, Superfund sites
  • public utilities, residential & commercial buildings
  • children, celebrities, law enforcement officers
  • UFOs, the Loch Ness Monster, Chuck Norris
VII. Although “security” is often given as the reason somebody doesn’t want you to take photos, it’s rarely valid. Taking a photo of a publicly visible subject does not constitute terrorism, nor does it infringe on a company’s trade secrets.
VIII. If you are challenged, you do not have to explain why you are taking pictures, nor to you have to disclose your identity (except in some cases when questioned by a law enforcement officer.)
IX. Private parties have very limited rights to detain you against your will, and can be subject to legal action if they harass you.
X. If someone tries to confiscate your camera and/or film, you don’t have to give it to them. If they take it by force or threaten you, they can be liable for things like theft and coercion. Even law enforcement officers need a court order.

More Legal Stuff
you will need to have every person that appears in your film sign the model release below.


The undersigned enters into this Agreement with 
_____________________________________________ ("Producer"). I have been informed and understand that Producer is producing a videotape program and that my name, likeness, image, voice, appearance and performance is being recorded and made a part of that production ("Product").
1. I grant Producer and its designees the right to use my name, likeness, image, voice, appearance and performance as embodied in the Product whether recorded on or transferred to videotape, film, slides, photographs, audio tapes or other media, now known or later developed. This grant includes without limitation the right to edit, mix or duplicate and to use or re-use the Product in whole or part as Producer may elect. Producer or its designee shall have complete ownership of the Product in which I appear, including copyright interests, and I acknowledge that I have no interest or ownership in the Product or its copyright.
2. I also grant Producer and its designees the right to broadcast, exhibit, market, sell and otherwise distribute the Product, either in whole or in parts, and either alone or with other products, for commercial or non-commercial television or theater, closed-circuit exhibition, home video distribution or any other purpose that Producer or its designees in their sole discretion may determine. This grant includes the right to use the Product for promoting or publicizing any of the uses.
3. I confirm that I have the right to enter into this Agreement, that I am not restricted by any commitments to third parties, and that Producer has no financial commitment or obligations to me as a result of this Agreement. I hereby give all clearances, copyright and otherwise, for the use of my name, likeness, image voice, appearance and performance embodied in the Product. I expressly release and indemnify Producer and its officers, employees, agents and designees from any and all claims known and unknown arising out of, or in any way connected with, the above granted uses and representations. The rights granted Producer herein are perpetual and worldwide.
4. In consideration of all of the above, I hereby acknowledge receipt of reasonable and fair consideration from Producer.
I have read the foregoing and understand its terms and stipulations and agree to all of them:
Model's Name (Please Print)


Signature ___________________________________________ Date ________________
(If the person signing is under age 18, a parent or legal guardian must sign below.) I hereby certify that I am the parent or legal guardian of the model named above and I give my consent without reservation to the foregoing on behalf of him or her.

Signature ___________________________________________ Date ________________
(Signature of parent or guardian)

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