
In class Wed Aug 31st

How to use Google Docs
- Making a new file
- Naming a document
- Sharing a document
- Printing a document
* More then just Microsoft Word

Shots “Framing” and the meaning behind angles, POV & camera movement.

Camera angles

  • POV
  • wide angle
  • close-up
  • mid shot
  • 1st person
  • 3rd person

  • Camera Movement
  • pan/tilt
  • dolly
  • zoom lense
  • Hand Held

Ask yourself these questions:
* What is the relationship of the viewer to the characters in the film?

* What direction are the characters moving from shot to shot, scene to scene?

Watch Man with a Movie Camera
Look for the different Camera angels and POV utilized through the film. Write them down as you see them.

Research one of the Indy Film Makers on John Waters List:

- Watch one whole movie or part of 5 different movies
- Write about what you saw: 

1) What was interesting/different about this film compared to a “normal” Hollywood movie?

2) about narrative
- how does the story progress through time?
- how are the main characters revealed? When in the storyline?
- what genre is the film? does it stay true to its genre or does it break conventions?
- is the film about the medium itself? does it incorporate the context of the medium into the films storyline?
- have you seen this storyline before? where?

3) about use of camera angles and perspective
- how does the director use camera angles to control point of view?
- how does the perspective add to the context of the scene?
- does the director use a predominate angle through out the film or a variety?
- how does the angle effect the mood of the scene?

4) about content
- what are the main colors in the film?
- how does the use of color effect the mood?
- how realistic or surreal is the environment? how does this play a role in the narrative?
- how does the film use or break stereotypes?
- is the film beautiful or sublime?
- what era of technology is the film? does this change during the film?

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