
In class Wed April 1st

Projection Mapping

Check this out! Projection mapping used to shoot a movie in real time!

There are 2 ways to create the files necessary to produce an effective projection mapping presentation. 

- Find out the lens aspect ratio, focal length and pixel dimensions of the projector you plan to use. Go to the location and find the correct distance from your object/building and take a photograph. The camera need to share the same aspect ratio and focal length as the projector. Use the image as the template.

- Find the pixel dimensions of your projector. Then manually outline important aspects of the object. Use the image as the template

Easy Projection Mapping

1) Set-up projector.  Projector should be at least 5 feet from the object.

2) Measure set-up. You need to know the distance from the projector to the object and the hight of the object and the projector.

3) Open Photoshop and create a new document at 1024x768 at 72 dpi (this is the resolution of the projector)

4) Using the vector/selection tools, create an outline of your object.

5) Save the file as your template.

6) Use this template to create a Photoshop based stop motion animation. 

* Present your final 3d Object/Video Idea.

Check out Reservoir Dogs / Pulp Fiction re-mix

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