In Class Mon Dec 8th
then relax :)
* remember to come to the video showing on wed.
attendance is mandatory! Bring your storyboards to the crit and meet in the lab at 11:45am
In Class Mon Nov 24th
Today we will run around campus showing our projected video projects.
If you are showing your project today, have your video ready on your thumbdrive to hand to me at the beginning of class.
We will be meeting at the digital lab first!
If you are showing your project today, have your video ready on your thumbdrive to hand to me at the beginning of class.
We will be meeting at the digital lab first!
In Class Mon Nov 17th
You should be creating, shooting & collecting imagery for your final film at this point.
lets look at Audio a bit closer in iMovie
is your video ready for the projection project? we will be showing the projection projects this wed and next mon & tue. you should have your file saved as a full quality .dv file on your thumbdrive ready to be transfered to my laptop.
lets look at Audio a bit closer in iMovie
is your video ready for the projection project? we will be showing the projection projects this wed and next mon & tue. you should have your file saved as a full quality .dv file on your thumbdrive ready to be transfered to my laptop.
In Class Mon Nov 10th
Get Specifics for Projection Project
* where is your space?
* what time of day works best for your projection?
* how long is your projection?
You should have an idea storyboarded by now!
* where is your space?
* what time of day works best for your projection?
* how long is your projection?
You should have an idea storyboarded by now!
In Class Mon Nov 3rd
The dates for showing the projection project videos are:
Nov 19th 2pm - 5pm
Nov 24th 2pm - 5pm
Nov 25th 5pm-7pm
around campus.
The date for the Final Project is Dec 10th from 11:30 - 3:30pm in Anderson Theater (the location may change).
We will advertise both events to the Hartwick community.
Lighting your films!
* look at the angle
* where have you seen it before? how was this lighting situation used before?
* consider mood. how does it make you feel? Is it dark? or happy?
* what relationship does this lighting set up create between the characters and the viewer?
In Class Wed Oct 29th
Where are you @ with Project 3?
Time based media. Lets define it as a medium.
Lets talk about Project 4!
Create a 15 min video piece.
- come up with an idea
- create a storyboard
- have the storyboard reviewed
- shoot, animate, appropriate your footage
- edit your video
- add Titles
- export Full Quality and for Youtube 320x240 @ 30 fps
these video pieces should be high quality, with decent lighting, sound and image quality. do not use any video source that is smaller then 640x480 pixels. if you have questions be sure to ask for help.
we will show these final videos in Anderson Theater for the Final.
Time based media. Lets define it as a medium.
Lets talk about Project 4!
Create a 15 min video piece.
- come up with an idea
- create a storyboard
- have the storyboard reviewed
- shoot, animate, appropriate your footage
- edit your video
- add Titles
- export Full Quality and for Youtube 320x240 @ 30 fps
these video pieces should be high quality, with decent lighting, sound and image quality. do not use any video source that is smaller then 640x480 pixels. if you have questions be sure to ask for help.
we will show these final videos in Anderson Theater for the Final.
In Class Mon Oct 27th
I will be talking with each of you individually about your projects and taking a look at your storyboards today.
Mid Semester Review
What equipment do you need to create your video?
Mid Semester Review
What equipment do you need to create your video?
In Class Wed Oct 22nd
Check out remade video for Project 2
Discussion :
What are the Qualities of a Projection?
What are the Qualities of a Video?
- we will be talking about your chosen spaces and video possibilities today!
* where is your space?
* how do people relate to the space you have chosen?
* what are your ideas for projecting into the space?
* how does the space and the project intersect?
tonight at the Oneonta Teen center from 8-11pm i will be performing my "Mashup Remix digital media show", with the band Finn Riggins.
the Oneonta Teen Center is located at 4 Academy st around the corner from the Fire Station downtown.
Discussion :
What are the Qualities of a Projection?
What are the Qualities of a Video?
- we will be talking about your chosen spaces and video possibilities today!
* where is your space?
* how do people relate to the space you have chosen?
* what are your ideas for projecting into the space?
* how does the space and the project intersect?
tonight at the Oneonta Teen center from 8-11pm i will be performing my "Mashup Remix digital media show", with the band Finn Riggins.
the Oneonta Teen Center is located at 4 Academy st around the corner from the Fire Station downtown.
In Class Wed Oct 15th
* You should have a few sites in mind for project 3 by today
Project 3 is due the 29th of October!
Check out another film
In Class Wed Oct 8th
Storyboards and Shrek
Makin' Titles in iMovie
Add titles and Export your Videos as full quality DV and as 320x240, 30fps mpegs for youtube. hand them into me.
Next Project : site specific video projection
- Find an interesting space on or off campus (the space requires access to power)
- Come up with an idea for a video that is considerate of the space both visually and contextually
What happens when a medium based on space and and a medium based on time collide?
How can a video change a space?
How does projection of a video into a space change the video?
What are the qualities of a 'projection'?
What are some spatial considerations?
Makin' Titles in iMovie
Add titles and Export your Videos as full quality DV and as 320x240, 30fps mpegs for youtube. hand them into me.
Next Project : site specific video projection
- Find an interesting space on or off campus (the space requires access to power)
- Come up with an idea for a video that is considerate of the space both visually and contextually
What happens when a medium based on space and and a medium based on time collide?
How can a video change a space?
How does projection of a video into a space change the video?
What are the qualities of a 'projection'?
What are some spatial considerations?
In Class Mon Oct 1st
- look at the point of view of the camera
- consider how scenes are shot and how they tell a story
You should have your Current Event picked and you should be considering storyline ideas and how you want to frame shots.
In Class Mon Sep 29th
* I'm Voting Republican
* Obama is the Anti-Christ
Review Project 1
Figure out groups for project 2
Lets talk about framing shots and the meaning of angles.
camera angles wiki
Ask yourself these questions:
* What is the relationship of the viewer to the characters in the film?
* What direction are the characters moving from shot to shot, scene to scene?
* Obama is the Anti-Christ
Review Project 1
Figure out groups for project 2
Lets talk about framing shots and the meaning of angles.
camera angles wiki
- high-angle shot
- low-angle shot
- bird's eye shot
- wide angle
- close-up
- mid shot
- Dutch angle
Ask yourself these questions:
* What is the relationship of the viewer to the characters in the film?
* What direction are the characters moving from shot to shot, scene to scene?
In Class Wed Sep 24th
Review exporting to Youtube and full quality DV
Work on your project.
I will collect your .DV , full quality files at the end of class!
Work on your project.
I will collect your .DV , full quality files at the end of class!
In Class Wed Sep 17th
How Aware are you?
Assignments that need to be completed by 9-17-08
* show me your 2 GB Flash drive (you can get one at the Bookstore or at the Rite Aid on Chestnut street)
* Your Youtube account hooked up to the class blog & hartwickdigital.com
Lets Talk about Cecil B.
Work on the Project
In Class Mon Sep 15th
Music & audio effects
Cecil B. Demented
1) narrative
- how does the story progress through time?
- how are the main characters revealed? When in the storyline?
- what genre is the film? does it stay true to its genre or does it break conventions?
- is the film about the medium itself? does it incorporate the context of the medium into the films storyline?
- have you seen this storyline before? where?
2) use of camera angles and perspective
- how does the director use camera angles to control point of view?
- how does the perspective add to the context of the scene?
- does the director use a predominate angle through out the film or a variety?
- how does the angle effect the mood of the scene?
3) content
- what are the main colors in the film?
- how does the use of color effect the mood?
- how realistic or surreal is the environment? how does this play a role in the narrative?
- how does the film use or break stereotypes?
- is the film beautiful or sublime?
- what era of technology is the film? does this change during the film?
Don't Forget *
Music & audio effects
Cecil B. Demented
1) narrative
- how does the story progress through time?
- how are the main characters revealed? When in the storyline?
- what genre is the film? does it stay true to its genre or does it break conventions?
- is the film about the medium itself? does it incorporate the context of the medium into the films storyline?
- have you seen this storyline before? where?
2) use of camera angles and perspective
- how does the director use camera angles to control point of view?
- how does the perspective add to the context of the scene?
- does the director use a predominate angle through out the film or a variety?
- how does the angle effect the mood of the scene?
3) content
- what are the main colors in the film?
- how does the use of color effect the mood?
- how realistic or surreal is the environment? how does this play a role in the narrative?
- how does the film use or break stereotypes?
- is the film beautiful or sublime?
- what era of technology is the film? does this change during the film?
Don't Forget *
Assignments that need to be completed by 9-17-08
* show me your 2 GB Flash drive (you can get one at the Bookstore or at the Rite Aid on Chestnut street)
* Your Youtube account hooked up to the class blog & hartwickdigital.com
In Class Wed Sept 10th

where does Existenze fit on this chart?
how about the Simpsons movie?
where does your visual interest lie on this chart?
Lets talk about the film.
eXistenZ is a 1999 psychological thriller/science fiction film by Canadian director David Cronenberg. from Wiki
lets answer the questions:
1) narrative
2) use of camera angles and perspective
3) content
In Class Sept 8th
*Lab Fee $75
Basics of Film and Video
- Frame Rate = Frames Per Second = FPS
- Persistance of Vision
- Interlaced vs Progressive
- New ATSC (replacement for NTSC) standard
- all digital video files are compressed with a Video Codec
* how does film look different then video?
- 24 FPS
- analogue
- popular sizes are 8mm, 16mm, 35mm & 70mm
--- most feature films are 35mm
--- most indi-films are 16mm (traditionally)
DV & DVD Digital Video
- 30 FPS
- digital
- Aspect ratios 4:3 or 16:9 (wide screen)
- screen resolution is always 72dpi
- DV codec resolution is 720 x 480 pixels for NTSC
--- when translating animation from Flash make the resolution 720 x 534
HD, HDTV, DVD & HDV Digital Video
- 30 FPS
- digital
- screen resolution is always 72dpi
- 720i is 1280 x 720 pixels
- 1080i is 1920 x 1080 pixels
Digital Resolution Comparison Chart

Deconstructing Film and Video
- we are looking at 3 different aspects of a film or video
1) narrative
- how does the story progress through time?
- how are the main characters revealed? When in the storyline?
- what genre is the film? does it stay true to its genre or does it break conventions?
- is the film about the medium itself? does it incorporate the context of the medium into the films storyline?
- have you seen this storyline before? where?
2) use of camera angles and perspective
- how does the director use camera angles to control point of view?
- how does the perspective add to the context of the scene?
- does the director use a predominate angle through out the film or a variety?
- how does the angle effect the mood of the scene?
3) content
- what are the main colors in the film?
- how does the use of color effect the mood?
- how realistic or surreal is the environment? how does this play a role in the narrative?
- how does the film use or break stereotypes?
- is the film beautiful or sublime?
- what era of technology is the film? does this change during the film?

Where does this movie fit on this chart?
Hello and welcome to the ARt317 Digital Art & Design IV, Time Based Media class blog.
This blog is the focal point of the class and contains all of the information you need to successfully complete this course. Your first assignment is to bookmark this blog on your personal computer and to check it often. The address is art-317.blogspot.com.
DA&D IV is a video course that explores the creative possibilities of a medium based on time, the 4th dimension. We will create video interventions within real space, appropriate, loop and mash-up video as well as learn about classic film creation.
You will need a Youtube account for this class. A DV cam or digital camera with the ability to record video would also be very useful.
This class has a $75 Lab fee and you will need a 2 or 4 GB flash drive.
this is going to be an exciting and technologically advanced course lets see what we can do.
This blog is the focal point of the class and contains all of the information you need to successfully complete this course. Your first assignment is to bookmark this blog on your personal computer and to check it often. The address is art-317.blogspot.com.
DA&D IV is a video course that explores the creative possibilities of a medium based on time, the 4th dimension. We will create video interventions within real space, appropriate, loop and mash-up video as well as learn about classic film creation.
You will need a Youtube account for this class. A DV cam or digital camera with the ability to record video would also be very useful.
This class has a $75 Lab fee and you will need a 2 or 4 GB flash drive.
this is going to be an exciting and technologically advanced course lets see what we can do.
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